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DSP, MCU/펌웨어

CAN FD, TDC (Transmitter Delay Compensation)

by eteo 2023. 3. 31.


CAN FD 사용시 Data bitrate 2Mbps까진 괜찮았지만 그 이상으로 고속 통신하려면 CAN FD 컨트롤러에 TDC 설정이 필요하다.



transmitter delay compensation (TDC)

At bit-rates higher than 1 Mbit/s in the data phase of CAN FD frames the transmitting node has to compensate the TD when comparing its transmitted bits to the delayed received bits. TDC mechanism defines a secondary sample point SSP. When it is used, the transmitter ignores bit errors detected at the (first) sample point. The received bit value is compared at the SSP, with the (delayed) transmitted bit value. If a bit error is detected at the SSP, the transmitter reacts to this bit error at the subsequent following sample point. Bit error detection is disabled for those bits at the end of the data phase where the SSPs of the bits would be in the following arbitration phase. This term is defined in ISO 11898-1. In CiA 601-1 the term transmitting node delay compensation is used to avoid misinterpretations as the transceivers discussed there have a transmitter part.








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