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지식창고/항공+방산 지식

DO-178C 산출물 22종

by eteo 2023. 3. 31.



Output Data according to DO-178C Process


Process OutputData
Planning Plan for Software Aspects of Certification (PSAC)
Software Development Plan (SDP)
Software Verification Plan (SVP)
Software Configuration Management Plan (SCMP)
Software Quality Assurance Plan (SQAP)
Software Requirement Standard (SRS)
Software Design Standard (SDS)
Software Coding Standard (SCS)
Development Software Requirement Data (SRD)
Software Design Data (SDD)
Source Code
Executable Object Code (EOC)
Parameter Data Item File (PDIF)
Trace Data
Integral Software Verification Cases and Procedures (SVCP)
Software Verification Result (SVR)
Software Life Cycle Environment Configuration Index (SECI)
Software Configuration Index (SCI)
Software Configuration Management Records (SCMR)
Problem Reports
Software Quality Assurance Records (SQAR)
Software Accomplishment Summary (SAS)





출처 : https://koreascience.kr/article/JAKO202010163508625.pdf

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