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* @brief Brief description of the item.
* Detailed description of the item. This can span multiple lines.
* @param param1 Description of the first parameter.
* @param param2 Description of the second parameter.
* @return Description of the return value (if applicable).
공식문서 매뉴얼 예시
* A test class. A more elaborate class description.
class Javadoc_Test
* An enum.
* More detailed enum description.
enum TEnum {
TVal1, /**< enum value TVal1. */
TVal2, /**< enum value TVal2. */
TVal3 /**< enum value TVal3. */
*enumPtr, /**< enum pointer. Details. */
enumVar; /**< enum variable. Details. */
* A constructor.
* A more elaborate description of the constructor.
* A destructor.
* A more elaborate description of the destructor.
* a normal member taking two arguments and returning an integer value.
* @param a an integer argument.
* @param s a constant character pointer.
* @see Javadoc_Test()
* @see ~Javadoc_Test()
* @see testMeToo()
* @see publicVar()
* @return The test results
int testMe(int a,const char *s);
* A pure virtual member.
* @see testMe()
* @param c1 the first argument.
* @param c2 the second argument.
virtual void testMeToo(char c1,char c2) = 0;
* a public variable.
* Details.
int publicVar;
* a function variable.
* Details.
int (*handler)(int a,int b);
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