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DSP, MCU/펌웨어


by eteo 2023. 6. 25.






PCI eXtensions for Instrumentation



PXI (PCI eXtensions for Instrumentation) is a proven PC-based platform for measurement and automation systems. PXI uses commercial PC-based PCI bus technology while combining rugged CompactPCI modular packaging, as well as key timing and synchronization features.


PXI systems are composed of three main hardware components: chassis, controller, and peripheral modules.

The hardware systems are driven by software.


  • The PXI chassis compares to the desktop’s enclosure 
  • The PXI controller compares to the desktop’s CPU, memory, and I/O 
  • The PXI(e) peripheral modules compare to the desktop’s PCI(e) peripheral modules





The development and operation of a Windows-based PXI or PXI Express system is no different from that of a standard Windows-based PC. You can reduce your development time and quickly automate your instruments by using G in LabVIEW, an graphical programming language for test, or NI LabWindows/CVI for C development. You can also use other programming language such as those that are part of Visual Studio .NET, Visual Basic, Python, and C/C++.


Consider a simple use case for a PXI system: generating a signal using a PXI module.

You use a Windows-based controller and write a program using which communicates to the instrument via the instrument driver.

Measurement & Automation Explorer (MAX) is used to ensure the system is set up for this communication.



Reference : https://www.ni.com/en-us/shop/pxi/introduction-to-the-pxi-architecture.html

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