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DateTime 문자열 서식지정자

by eteo 2023. 2. 21.



주의 : 날짜 및 시간 형식은 Locale 설정에 따라 달라질 수 있다.




Custom date and time format strings

Learn to use custom date and time format strings to convert DateTime or DateTimeOffset values into text representations, or to parse strings for dates & times.



Format specifier Description Examples
"d" The day of the month, from 1 through 31. 2009-06-01T13:45:30 -> 1

2009-06-15T13:45:30 -> 15
"dd" The day of the month, from 01 through 31. 2009-06-01T13:45:30 -> 01

2009-06-15T13:45:30 -> 15
"ddd" The abbreviated name of the day of the week. 2009-06-15T13:45:30 -> Mon (en-US)

2009-06-15T13:45:30 -> Пн (ru-RU)

2009-06-15T13:45:30 -> lun. (fr-FR)
"dddd" The full name of the day of the week. 2009-06-15T13:45:30 -> Monday (en-US)

2009-06-15T13:45:30 -> понедельник (ru-RU)

2009-06-15T13:45:30 -> lundi (fr-FR)
"f" The tenths of a second in a date and time value.

2009-06-15T13:45:30.6170000 -> 6

2009-06-15T13:45:30.05 -> 0
"ff" The hundredths of a second in a date and time value. 2009-06-15T13:45:30.6170000 -> 61

2009-06-15T13:45:30.0050000 -> 00
"fff" The milliseconds in a date and time value. 6/15/2009 13:45:30.617 -> 617

6/15/2009 13:45:30.0005 -> 000
"ffff" The ten thousandths of a second in a date and time value. 2009-06-15T13:45:30.6175000 -> 6175

2009-06-15T13:45:30.0000500 -> 0000
"fffff" The hundred thousandths of a second in a date and time value. 2009-06-15T13:45:30.6175400 -> 61754

6/15/2009 13:45:30.000005 -> 00000
"ffffff" The millionths of a second in a date and time value. 2009-06-15T13:45:30.6175420 -> 617542

2009-06-15T13:45:30.0000005 -> 000000
"fffffff" The ten millionths of a second in a date and time value. 2009-06-15T13:45:30.6175425 -> 6175425

2009-06-15T13:45:30.0001150 -> 0001150
"F" If non-zero, the tenths of a second in a date and time value. 2009-06-15T13:45:30.6170000 -> 6

2009-06-15T13:45:30.0500000 -> (no output)
"FF" If non-zero, the hundredths of a second in a date and time value. 2009-06-15T13:45:30.6170000 -> 61

2009-06-15T13:45:30.0050000 -> (no output)
"FFF" If non-zero, the milliseconds in a date and time value. 2009-06-15T13:45:30.6170000 -> 617

2009-06-15T13:45:30.0005000 -> (no output)
"FFFF" If non-zero, the ten thousandths of a second in a date and time value. 2009-06-15T13:45:30.5275000 -> 5275

2009-06-15T13:45:30.0000500 -> (no output)
"FFFFF" If non-zero, the hundred thousandths of a second in a date and time value. 2009-06-15T13:45:30.6175400 -> 61754

2009-06-15T13:45:30.0000050 -> (no output)
"FFFFFF" If non-zero, the millionths of a second in a date and time value. 2009-06-15T13:45:30.6175420 -> 617542

2009-06-15T13:45:30.0000005 -> (no output)
"FFFFFFF" If non-zero, the ten millionths of a second in a date and time value. 2009-06-15T13:45:30.6175425 -> 6175425

2009-06-15T13:45:30.0001150 -> 000115
"g", "gg" The period or era. 2009-06-15T13:45:30.6170000 -> A.D.
"h" The hour, using a 12-hour clock from 1 to 12. 2009-06-15T01:45:30 -> 1

2009-06-15T13:45:30 -> 1
"hh" The hour, using a 12-hour clock from 01 to 12. 2009-06-15T01:45:30 -> 01

2009-06-15T13:45:30 -> 01
"H" The hour, using a 24-hour clock from 0 to 23. 2009-06-15T01:45:30 -> 1

2009-06-15T13:45:30 -> 13
"HH" The hour, using a 24-hour clock from 00 to 23. 2009-06-15T01:45:30 -> 01

2009-06-15T13:45:30 -> 13
"K" Time zone information. With DateTime values:

2009-06-15T13:45:30, Kind Unspecified ->

2009-06-15T13:45:30, Kind Utc -> Z

2009-06-15T13:45:30, Kind Local -> -07:00 (depends on local computer settings)

With DateTimeOffset values:

2009-06-15T01:45:30-07:00 --> -07:00

2009-06-15T08:45:30+00:00 --> +00:00
"m" The minute, from 0 through 59. 2009-06-15T01:09:30 -> 9

2009-06-15T13:29:30 -> 29
"mm" The minute, from 00 through 59. 2009-06-15T01:09:30 -> 09

2009-06-15T01:45:30 -> 45
"M" The month, from 1 through 12. 2009-06-15T13:45:30 -> 6
"MM" The month, from 01 through 12. 2009-06-15T13:45:30 -> 06
"MMM" The abbreviated name of the month. 2009-06-15T13:45:30 -> Jun (en-US)

2009-06-15T13:45:30 -> juin (fr-FR)

2009-06-15T13:45:30 -> Jun (zu-ZA)
"MMMM" The full name of the month. 2009-06-15T13:45:30 -> June (en-US)

2009-06-15T13:45:30 -> juni (da-DK)

2009-06-15T13:45:30 -> uJuni (zu-ZA)
"s" The second, from 0 through 59. 2009-06-15T13:45:09 -> 9
"ss" The second, from 00 through 59. 2009-06-15T13:45:09 -> 09
"t" The first character of the AM/PM designator. 2009-06-15T13:45:30 -> P (en-US)

2009-06-15T13:45:30 -> 午 (ja-JP)

2009-06-15T13:45:30 -> (fr-FR)
"tt" The AM/PM designator. 2009-06-15T13:45:30 -> PM (en-US)

2009-06-15T13:45:30 -> 午後 (ja-JP)

2009-06-15T13:45:30 -> (fr-FR)
"y" The year, from 0 to 99.. 0001-01-01T00:00:00 -> 1

0900-01-01T00:00:00 -> 0

1900-01-01T00:00:00 -> 0

2009-06-15T13:45:30 -> 9

2019-06-15T13:45:30 -> 19
"yy" The year, from 00 to 99. 0001-01-01T00:00:00 -> 01

0900-01-01T00:00:00 -> 00

1900-01-01T00:00:00 -> 00

2019-06-15T13:45:30 -> 19
"yyy" The year, with a minimum of three digits. 0001-01-01T00:00:00 -> 001

0900-01-01T00:00:00 -> 900

1900-01-01T00:00:00 -> 1900

2009-06-15T13:45:30 -> 2009
"yyyy" The year as a four-digit number. 0001-01-01T00:00:00 -> 0001

0900-01-01T00:00:00 -> 0900

1900-01-01T00:00:00 -> 1900

2009-06-15T13:45:30 -> 2009
"yyyyy" The year as a five-digit number. 0001-01-01T00:00:00 -> 00001

2009-06-15T13:45:30 -> 02009
"z" Hours offset from UTC, with no leading zeros. 2009-06-15T13:45:30-07:00 -> -7
"zz" Hours offset from UTC, with a leading zero for a single-digit value. 2009-06-15T13:45:30-07:00 -> -07
"zzz" Hours and minutes offset from UTC. 2009-06-15T13:45:30-07:00 -> -07:00
":" The time separator. 2009-06-15T13:45:30 -> : (en-US)

2009-06-15T13:45:30 -> . (it-IT)

2009-06-15T13:45:30 -> : (ja-JP)
"/" The date separator. 2009-06-15T13:45:30 -> / (en-US)

2009-06-15T13:45:30 -> - (ar-DZ)

2009-06-15T13:45:30 -> . (tr-TR)

Literal string delimiter. 2009-06-15T13:45:30 ("arr:" h:m t) -> arr: 1:45 P

2009-06-15T13:45:30 ('arr:' h:m t) -> arr: 1:45 P
% Defines the following character as a custom format specifier. 2009-06-15T13:45:30 (%h) -> 1
\ The escape character. 2009-06-15T13:45:30 (h \h) -> 1 h
Any other character The character is copied to the result string unchanged. 2009-06-15T01:45:30 (arr hh:mm t) -> arr 01:45 A